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Bunte Sichtschutzstreifen aus hochwertigem Textilgewebe

Unsere farbigen Sichtschutzstreifensind genau das Richtige für alle, die nach etwas Ausgefallenem suchen. In dieser Kategorie finden Sie bunte Handabdrücke, Buntstifte, farbenfrohe Tierchen sowie ein zeitgenössisches Streetart-Design, welches Ihren Garten in ein echtes Kunstwerk verwandeln wird. Wenn Sie eine Party lustig und fröhlich gestalten möchten,dann sind unsere bunten Sichtschutzstreifen genau die richtige Wahl.

Crayon Row
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Crayon Row
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Crayon Row
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Crayon Row
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Crayon Row
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Crayon Row
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Crayon Row
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Sample possible

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

Birthday Party Blue
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection.The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 26 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.08* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Sample free!
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection. The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm.   Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection. The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm.   Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection. The covers are delivered with a fixed size: 2,5 m x 1,8 m 9 stripes make a picture. The back is gray. The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm.   Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 23.4 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.85* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Sample possible

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection. The covers are delivered on 26 m long and 19 cm wide rolls. One roll covers a standard double rod fence (H 2 x W 2.50 m). The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 26 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.08* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Sample free!
Sample possible
With this smart and innovative product, consumers are able to transform their gardens instantaneously. With our decorative landscaping product, consumers achieve a level of optimal privacy and protection. The covers are delivered on 26 m long and 19 cm wide rolls. One roll covers a standard double rod fence (H 2 x W 2.50 m). The stripes can be used for every double rodded fence with a standard mash distance of 19 cm. Fits every standard double rod fence (mesh distance of 19 cm) Made of a UV and weather resistant, polyester fabric Provides an optimal level of privacy and wind protection Easy to install, clean and maintain Select from a wide variety of predesigned or custom designed fence covers

Content: 26 Laufende(r) Meter (€3.08* / 1 Laufende(r) Meter)

Sample free!

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

25 Clips black
The setup of the covers requires specialized fence clips. The clips are available in quantities of 25.

Content: 25 Stück (€0.40* / 1 Stück)


Bunte Sichtschutzstreifen für Ihren Zaun

Unsere Produkte bestehen aus 100% formbeständigem PES-Stoff und sind nahezu für jeden Doppelstabmattenzaun geeignet. Selbst ohne vorherige Erfahrung lassen sich die Streifen ganz einfach und ohne Werkzeug einflechten. Sie werden mit Klemmschienen befestigt, welche dafür sorgen, dass Ihre Zaunsichtschutzstreifen auch bei starkem Wind fest und stabil am Zaun haften. Die farbigen Sichtschutzstreifen mit Motiv sind pflegeleicht und UV-beständig, so dass auch in heißen Sommertagen keine Gefahr besteht, dass die Farbe des Sichtschutzes ausbleicht. Außerdem reißen sie auch bei starkem Wind nicht und bieten sogar einen geringeren Windschutz, weshalb Sie auch bei etwas windigeren Tagen Ihre Ruhe im Garten genießen können.

Wieso Sie sich für unsere farbigen Sichtschutzstreifen entscheiden sollten

Da unser dekorativer Sichtschutz mit Motiv beidseitig bedruckt ist, ist er aus allen Blickwinkeln ein echter Hingucker. Die bunten Sichtschutzstreifen geben Ihrem Garten eine individuelle Note und machen jede Grillparty zu einem besonderen Ereignis. Dabei sind Sie stets vor neugierigen Blicken geschützt.
Auch für Kindergeburtstage sind die „Kunterbunt“ Sichtschutzrollen perfekt geeignet. Egal ob Sie als Motiv gerne bunte Hände, süße Tierchen oder Buntstifte haben möchten – Ihre kleinen Partygäste werden die farbenfrohe Atmosphäre genießen.

Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und gestalten Sie Ihren Garten nach Ihrem eigenen Geschmack!

Bunte Zaundruck-Sichtschutzstreifen - ideal für Kindergärten, Schulen und Kindertagesstätten

Gerade auf dem Schulhof oder für das Außengelände im Kindergarten ist die Montage eines stabilen Zauns mit Doppelstabmatten sowie das Anbringen eines hochqualitativen Sichtschutzes äußerst wichtig. Durch die bunten Sichtschutzstreifen sollen die Kinder vor unerwünschten Blicken bestmöglich geschützt werden und ungestört spielen können. Dabei kann man ihnen durch verspielte Motive eine Freude machen und den Garten, in dem sie wunderschöne Momente erleben, noch bunter und fröhlicher gestalten. Schauen Sie sich in unserem Shop um – wir bieten eine Vielzahl an Motiven mit knalligen Farben, die sich perfekt für die Schule eignen, an.